Thursday, September 4, 2008

everyone around me is getting pregnant!!!

I am beyond frustrated! My best friend (the one with the little girl that made us want to have a baby) is going through a divorce and has had a boyfriend for a month who has been dying to get her pregnant. She didn't want to get pregnant but still didn't take any precautions and of course got pregnant! I am so frustrated but not with her, I am frustrated that everywhere I look I am surrounded by pregnant women! I have 3 friends from the neighborhood who are pregnant, my sister in law, my best friend, my cousin, my coworker in the office next to mine, and every time I turn on the tv another celebrity is pregnant! It is so infuriating! I am happy for them but I secretly recent them for being pregnant. I am just surrounded and can't breathe! I am expected to smile and be happy for them, throw them baby showers and listen to their constant complaints about being sick while they coo about baby names and room colors while I am going to the Doctor 3 times a month to be poked and prodded following my pills and shots religiously and getting my hopes up every month.

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