Thursday, September 4, 2008

I always knew

I always knew I would have trouble conceiving. I don't know how I knew exactly other than a feeling that something wasn't quite right with me and my body.
I decided to start a blog to release my feelings and frustration about infertility. I don't expect a single person to read this but I think it will be very therapeutic for me to drill out my feelings on the keyboard.
I have been married to the most wonderful man for 4 years. He is so kind and thoughtful and I know everyone thinks their husband would be a great father but I truly know my husband would because he is the most caring and supportive person I have and will ever meet. We got the baby bug after my best friend had a little girl.We decided in April 2005 to start trying for a baby. I knew it would be trouble because I never seemed to get my period. I would maybe get it once every 6 months if I was lucky, but we would still get our hopes up. Since I knew it would be difficult I wasn't surprised after 6 months of not trying. One year passed and nothing so I figured it was ok but started doing research and reading books on the subject. I then subjected myself to endless natural treatments and methods with no luck. I tried Dong Qui Tonic, Raspberry Leaf, etc. Another 6 months passed and no sign that we were going to get lucky so we decided to finally face our fears and call a fertility doctor.

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